Home page of John W Mickevich


About Me
What's New
Family Photos

This site was   last updated 11/4/2024





Welcome to my Web site!

I am new to this web stuff so please bear with me.  If you notice any problems, etc please let me know via email at john@mickevich.com.

I started working on a photography page some time ago - not a lot there yet, but here is the link to that page.

I have added a "What's New" section to clean up the home page.

NEW - 2008 Rubber Ducky Race.

NEW - 2008 Fountain Horse Pull.

New - 2008 Blessing of the Bikes.

New - Easter 2008.


Favorite Links

bullet Ancestry.com
bullet MyHeritage.com
bullet EllisIsland.org
bulletGerry Genson's Genealogy website (this site has apparently been taken down, this version is from the Wayback Machine)




Home | About Me | What's New | Favorites | Family Photos